ALBI Nissan Repentigny
1 844 439-9744

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The windshield of your vehicle not only protects the driver and passengers from wind, rain, dust, and debris but also plays a crucial structural role in your safety in the event of an accident. It becomes weakened when damaged, and delaying the repair of a chip or crack can worsen the damage. Even without an impact, just a shock or a few vibrations can exacerbate the condition of the damage.

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A turnkey service

Consult with our experts for a professional damage assessment and a quick, free estimate of the necessary work.
After the inspection, our team will handle your insurance claim.


Centre du pare-brise ALBI


A skilled team at your service

Les pare-brise, toits ouvrants, toits panoramiques, vitres latérales et arrière n'ont aucun secret pour nos techniciens d'expérience certifiés. L'installation est garantieΔ puisque nos techniciens qualifiés utilisent les équipements de pointe du manufacturier, leurs technologies avancées et les vitres d'origine certifiées* conçues pour votre véhicule, suivant les normes spécifiques du constructeur.

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Need a recalibration?

No worries! Our trained technicians are specialized and have access to specific data and manufacturer techniques. They can perform the calibration of the cameras and sensors for your vehicle's Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS).

Save time and reduce your travel

For your safety, Centre du pare-brise ALBI prioritizes its clients' cases. Therefore, the work can be completed within the next 24 business hours following initial contact.
Your windshield repair can be completed in just 2 hours†!
Take advantage of your dealership visit to also have your vehicle serviced, get a tire change, receive a weatherproofing treatment, or even purchase new wipers.

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Can't wait on-site? Leave your vehicle with us!

Inquire about the availability of our courtesy vehicles or the short- and medium-term rental services from ALBI Rental.

Visit ALBI Location for details. 

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Centre du pare-brise ALBI


Hyundai Santa Fe 2024Hyundai Santa Fe 2024Hyundai Santa Fe 2024Hyundai Santa Fe 2024


Opening hours - Centre du pare-brise ALBI 

Monday - 8am to 5pm

Tuesday - 8am to 5pm

Wednesday - 8am to 5pm

Thursday - 8am to 5pm

Friday - 8am to 5pm

Saturday - Closed

Sunday - Closed

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    IMPORTANT: You can easily remove your consent at any time!